Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good Question

A friend of mine asked me this question and asked me to answer at my leisure. When I wrote back I decided that I really liked the topic and really started thinking about it. So he inspired me to write this blog I suppose:

Question: "Should one live their life always looking ahead while they stumble on roots and stones along the way, or should they keep their eyes to the ground so as not to trip, yet never to see the world that passes them by?"

I don't really think it's one or the other really. Of course looking ahead at the future and the world is important and at one point or another you are bound to stumble a little on the way. If you don't look ahead of you, how can you move foward, right? There would be no way to prepare for the future or plan to achieve your dreams. However it is also important to glance at the ground every once in awhile. If you're somewhat cautious you can avoid a lot of terrible mistakes and maybe even some minor bumps and bruises. Would you rather look so far ahead that you miss a crack in the sidewalk and fall flat on your face? Who knows... every once in a while you may find something or someone great right there on the ground (or right in front of you). It's like stopping to smell the flowers during a busy day. I think sometimes the good things in life are right in front of you.. not in the world that you learn about and travel so avidly. So as the answer to this question... One can't be either staring intently on the ground or gazing forever into the stars. I think there should be a happy medium between the two. Look towards the future, enjoy the world around you; but also be careful where you step and take notice of what's right in front of you.