Monday, February 8, 2010

The Bachelor

As of late, I had started watching ABC's telivision show "The Bachelor" with my roomate. Everytime I watch the show I become more and more disgusted by everything that occurs, as well as the entire concept of the show.

What is a program that enables one man to lead on and toy with the emotions of 20+ women, under the pretense of "finding true love," saying to the viewers? What is this saying to the American public? The youth of our nation eats up this type of drama; what is this saying to them? That it's possible to find true love in the the few weeks that a reality show takes place; where every moment of your life is scrutinized? That it's okay to play with other people's emotions? That superficiality is the way to win a man, instead of being the person who you really are?

This show isn't teaching about true love, but about unjust compromise. It's emitting the idea that it's okay to marry someone just because the season of a television show is over and not because you truly want to spend the rest of your life with them. What these people are finding on this show isn't "true love," they are just infatuated by the idea of love without ever truly experiencing it. They are deluding themselves and love is a game to them, where they are driven by the ambition to win.

This show belittles the sacred institution of marriage itself and makes it into a joke. And we wonder why so many people get divorced these days and why celebrities can't seem to stay married for merely a couple of weeks. Marriage is not a joke! Marriage is a serious commitment that should not be taken lightly or commercialized by a stupid reality show.

P.S. This weeks events on the show deeply troubled my roomate and emitted a strong, infuriated response as well...