Monday, June 16, 2008

You've Got Another Thing Coming...

Ready for an anti-authoritarian rant? Because here we go... *drumroll*:

This has been the last "official" week of school where everyone has had to come in and take finals for certain classes. Now during the rest of the year, excluding this "finals week," security has been at a minimum (for the most part). Sure they will tell you to put away the occasional ipod in the morning because it gives them something to do, but there's nothing extreme and usually they wont confiscate it. Throughout the year you are free to bring in bags, food, and even cell phones just as long as you don't display them in the open. The different and completely ridiculous thing about finals week is that administration decides to "crack down" and treat the students like they are prisoners rather than actual students. If you bring a bag it will be taken away from you, whether you let them check its' contents or not. They will also confiscate ipods and other electronics, but the major "no-no" to bring to school is *bum bum bum*... the highly dangerous and lethal cellphone (which apparently compromises the overall safety of the school and its precious finals).

There has been a thorough and ongoing search for cellphones as students have walked through the main entrance and past security to their finals this week. They will tell you to hand in your cell phone and most students are not very fond of that idea. If administration thinks you might have a cell-phone on your person they will pat you down or "frisk" you to find out. Ladies and gentlemen have even been made to turn out their pockets. A guy that I've talked to this week said that one of the security guards questioned him saying "You have a bulge in your pocket.What's in it?" Of course when I heard that I had to laugh a bit.. once in awhile our minds tend to slip into the gutter (mine does anyway). The response to that statement from another person was "You should've told him you had a boner and walked away." So ANYWAY.. this cellphone thing has gotten a bit ridiculous, and to be perfectly honest: it's not doing very much to improve "security." Plenty of people have gotten past with their cellphone without security knowing. I have watched some girls go to the extremes of stuffing their phones into their bras in order to get by. Like we're smuggling in drugs or something! It's not cocaine, it's not a bomb... its a cellphone for chrissake!

I was annoyed about this process beforehand, but what brought about this angry rant is that fact that my cellphone did in fact get confiscated. I got past security and got caught with it, eventually having to hand it in. I wasn't even using the cellphone. Hell, it wasn't even on! So the prick security guard that I got caught by (and I'm not just calling him that because he's the one who caught me.. he really is a prick *cough* excuse my French)made me follow him down to the security tables they had set up to sign in belongings. There were two tables set up about 2 feet away from each other and they both serve the same purpose. There were around 4 people at one table and 2 at the other so, naturally, I went to the table that was less crowded. Then the security guard has a little shit-fit which consisted of "I TOLD YOU TO GO TO THAT TABLE!!" And I'm like okay "relax" its not like I'm trying to make a damn prison-break here, I was going to the table with less people. I had a freaking pen in my hand to sign my phone in! Chill out psycho and step down from that power-trip before you hurt yourself. It's not a matter of national security so stop having a conniption. Please, spare us. (No I didn't say all of that >> I just said relax)

So I hand in my phone and I go take all my finals... whatever. Afterwards, before going to catch the bus, I go to the table to get my cellphone back. Turns out that since I got caught with it after I passed the tables they had handed my phone over to the main office. So then I had to go to the main office and talk to the head of administration or whatever he is (he will remain unnamed for blog purposes.. I'll just refer to him as Mr. M). When I got to the main office I had to go into Mr. M's office and have a "meeting" to explain why I hadn't given up my cellphone in the first place. I told him that "I do not trust administration with my personal belongings. I have gotten my cellphone stolen once and would like to keep it that way." At the end of our little meeting he told me that I had to have a parent come to the school in order for me to get my phone back. I called my mom from the office but I couldn't get in touch and by that point I had missed my bus home. Luckily a friend was still there when I got out and her mother was nice enough to drive me home.. otherwise I would have been stranded there for awhile.

Eventually I got home and explained what had happened. My mom and I had to drive back to school and get my cellphone from the main office after all of that. And get this- when I got my cellphone back... the power was still OFF. Needless to say, I'm pissed, but not so much that my cellphone got taken away. I'm angry at the way my school does things and the whole process. Even when you go to take exceedingly important tests like SAT's or ACT's they don't go to the extremes that my school did this week. They just tell you to shut everything off and put it beneath your desk. There is no confiscation and no searching of the students. When students have to worry about getting searched or getting "frisked" by a security guard when they go to school, there is definitely a problem. Taking away purses from female students bothers me too. What if by some chance one of those girls had their period? (Sorry guys who are reading this) Can you imagine having your bag searched by that same prick security guard that confiscated my cellphone? Explaining why you need your bag? Or if they still take it away.. carrying around a tampon or a pad all day?! That's horrible and completely ridiculous.

It is all just so unnecessary. It is a school, not a prison!! We are students, not criminals!!! Most of us are good kids and are being punished because of the mistakes of a few others. Stuff like this makes me really look forward to getting out of high school. Security, administration, and all those high-up people need to get off their power-trips, step off of those high pedestals they put themselves on, and see things for how they really are. These measures are completely unnecessary... but unfortunately nothing will change. One more year...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

You, Shook me All Night Long...

I wrote this blog on Friday so here it goes:

Right now I'm sitting in the chorus practice room of the music wing. It's quiet here and i found a stool to lean on and a stand to rest my notebook on. I've pretty much been down in the music wing all day, with the singular exception of Argueta's class. It's completely pointless to be here considering we're doing nothing in all my classes and half the people aren't even here. Matt and I practiced some pops concert stuff before so that was cool.. sounded good too ;). At least I'm not being forced to do anything strenuous today because yesterday was a long day and I'm incredibly tired.
Yesterday ,morning I woke up at 4 am to do some homework I had forgotten about. The school day on Thursday went by pretty smoothly and before I knew it, the end of ninth period had arrived (after playing Cranium with Schiavoni's class =P). Right after school I had my hair appointment for senior prom. The wait at the salon was ridiculous and they started on my hair 40 minutes after the appointed time. I went with a simple, but pretty hairstyle, and got it blown out straight/wavy from it natural curliness. It still feels so smooth and soft; makes me want to run my fingers through it (well, I am actually).
At 5:30 Kevin came over to pick me up and our families had fun taking pictures of us on my front lawn. I also stabbed myself with the boutonniere pin (clumsy me). Then we headed over to a friends house for more pictures with the limo group. Everyone looked great; the guys in their tuxes, the girls in their colorful gowns. I absolutely looovved my dress: a shimmery ivory with gold and iridescent beading... just a dress I felt so great wearing, the way it moved... everything. Soon we got into the limo and headed to prom. The limo ride was awesome. We listened to Dio, Judas Priest,and Manowar on the way there. The music was blasting out of the speakers, most were singing , and everyone seemed really excited.
Eventually we got to the actual prom. I had an awesome time and was glad to be there. It was nice to see all the seniors dressed up and smiling. I got to spend time with Kev, dance with my best friends, and it was overall twenty times better than jr. prom. The music selection was a bit better and the food was good too. I even got a slow dance out of Kevin, which I enjoyed a lot =). Oh! and did I mention... Alex and I matched! We had fun randomly sneaking up on Mr. Lever and standing on each side of him with our arms crossed... like two body-guards in white cinderella dresses =P. Another highlight was when the group "party-boyed" Mr Ferrell (sp?).. and to the shock of others, he participated!
This might sound kind of cheesy , but for me, the most memorable moment of the night was in the limo ride home. It was dark and they decided to put the strobe lights on with music. We listened to ACDC over the speakers and "You shook me all night long" and "Highway to hell" are still in my head this very minute. There was a lot going on. Some of us were rocking along to the beat, some were head-banging, and most were singing along. Everyone seemed so happy. Everyone was smiling. I was a bit tired, but being in the limo was nothing short of exhilarating. It was like the strobe-lights created little photos; freeze frames caught in time. And that is the most memorable thing for me. When I look back on senior prom 2008 I will always remember those snapshots frozen in time. Seeing everybody laughing and smiling; dressed up and looking amazing. Watching the guys head-banging and singing along, getting lost in the music. I'll remember thinking to myself that it all didn't feel quite real, like it was all part of a dream and I would wake up at any given moment. I'll remember smiling quietly to myself as "She's Some Kind of Wonderful" played over the speakers and gazing across the limo under the flashing lights.

Monday, June 2, 2008

You've Got a Friend

I would like to dedicate this entry here to the awesome friends and family I have. I truly don't know what I would do without you guys. Life just wouldn't be the same. The amazing thing about friendship is that the friends that matter will always be there for you whether you see them a lot or even haven't spoken in awhile. When something is wrong they always seem to know when something is bothering you... like they have this feeling or can just read you like a book. They stand by you and give advice, but they let you make your own choices. They'll try to cheer you up in any way they can whether that method be making silly faces, singing out obnoxiously in public, or simply telling you that you are such a special person and that they are there for you. They stand by you at your best of times, beaming at you proudly, and also at the worst of times when it feels like everything is going wrong and all you want to do is go hide quietly by yourself in some dark place. They try to keep you from falling, and if you do, then they are right there to help you get back on your feet again.

Family shares a lot of the same attributes of friendship and sometimes the two even mix. If you're lucky enough you might have family that you regard as friends and friends that you love like family. Family is unique in the sense that if something is bothering you they will know about it immediately, and they will get you to talk about it whether you want to or not. Family is this tight-knit unit that always sticks together. There's always this innate sense of protectiveness within a family and you know that they will always be there for you, not matter what the situation is. They try to do what is best for you and guide you along the way. You might fight sometimes but you can always count on them. They will always be biased in your favor and think that you deserve the best of the best in life. They will try and make light of the situation by making stupid jokes, nudging with their elbow into your side until you laugh, or playfully messing up your hair. They will try to be funny (sometimes in the cheesiest way) when you are in the most terrible and cranky of moods, yet they make you laugh in spite of yourself. They make you roll your eyes at them... but you love them anyway.

Family and true friends will see you for who you are... at your best and your worst.. whether you are dolled up and gowned for your wedding day...or even when you're in sweatpants and a tee shirt, with your hair up in a messy bun and bloodshot eyes because you've been crying. You can always give them a call and know that they will be there for you if you need to talk (Z). They will randomly try to cheer you up by telling you that you are the most amazing person, you are the prettiest girl in the world, and that they are so glad to have you as a friend (A). They will stay up and talk with you until 3:45 in the morning so that you can vent about whatever you want and get it off your chest (B). They will leave you an inspirational and supportive comment on your blog to cheer you up when you need it the most (M). They will try to give you advice in your kitchen... even if that advice is as bizarre as shoving a broom in your face that symbolizes only something that you would understand (GLD). They will put up with your temper tantrums and even get mad for you when you are the one who really should be angry. But above all, these people are more like guardian angels... they are always looking out for you, they love you, and they will always be there for you when you need them. Always. I am so blessed to have the amazing family and friends that I do. You guys are my support system. So this one is for you... thank you so much.

"Life is all about family;
the family you are born into,
the friends that become family,
and the family you make for your own."

Sunday, June 1, 2008

In the Blink of an Eye You Finally See the Light

I can always seem to relate to Carole King songs. These lyrics are so true.. and lately they remind me of my life.

"Ain't that the way
Whenever you think you've got it made
Everything changes on you
Ain't that the way
Nothing is stranger than the truth
And how it comes to you
Ain't that the way

In this life we are living
Moment to moment, day by day
And through all our tribulations
We reach out for each other
And if we're lucky, someone cares enough to say

Ain't that the way
Whenever you think you're in control
Everything turns around
Ain't that the way
One day you're flying
Next day you're on the ground
Ain't that the way

So it goes
You never know what's gonna happen
You never know, but something always does
And sometimes in quiet desperation
You realize it's never gonna be the way it was

Ain't that the way
Whenever you think you've got it all
There's a wall in front of you
Ain't that the way
You gotta go through it, it's life..."

Life always has its way of working things out.. sometimes doors open for you and other times they are slammed in your face. But quoting my cousin Melissa: "When one door is slammed in your face, a window has to open for air right?" Well I hope she's right. Sometimes we think that everything is going great and then a second later we discover that what we thought was our reality isn't real at all. What we believed to be true turns out to be resoundingly and horribly wrong. Sometimes we just wrap our own feelings around us as a security blanket and fail to see the truth as a result of it. We deny the truth.. we are blinded by our own feelings. But when that security blanket is stripped away... in the blink of an eye you finally see the light. Sometimes it comes as a shock. Things that you thought had changed or gotten better had actually just stayed the same and there is no way you can change them. You can't change the way other people feel. Sometimes we open ourselves up to other people, accepting a sense of vulnerability, and putting ourselves on the line. By doing this we take the risk of getting hurt and also take the chance of finding something wonderful... or maybe even both. However, sometimes you are the only one who risks it. The other stays somewhat detached while you are more emotionally involved than they are. Sometimes it can be one-sided and we ask ourselves the question "can we learn to accept that?" or even "should we?" I don't know what to do... some things were expected, but I don't know what to think about others. I don't know if I am making a mistake. Am I missing an opportunity.. or am I just wasting my time? I just need to think... I need to find a quiet place to be alone and just figure out everything. Sometimes we just have to forget the feelings we might have, forget our emotional attachments, and figure out what's best for us. Its a difficult thing to do, and I wish things were easier.. but they aren't. Ain't that the way?