Sunday, June 1, 2008

In the Blink of an Eye You Finally See the Light

I can always seem to relate to Carole King songs. These lyrics are so true.. and lately they remind me of my life.

"Ain't that the way
Whenever you think you've got it made
Everything changes on you
Ain't that the way
Nothing is stranger than the truth
And how it comes to you
Ain't that the way

In this life we are living
Moment to moment, day by day
And through all our tribulations
We reach out for each other
And if we're lucky, someone cares enough to say

Ain't that the way
Whenever you think you're in control
Everything turns around
Ain't that the way
One day you're flying
Next day you're on the ground
Ain't that the way

So it goes
You never know what's gonna happen
You never know, but something always does
And sometimes in quiet desperation
You realize it's never gonna be the way it was

Ain't that the way
Whenever you think you've got it all
There's a wall in front of you
Ain't that the way
You gotta go through it, it's life..."

Life always has its way of working things out.. sometimes doors open for you and other times they are slammed in your face. But quoting my cousin Melissa: "When one door is slammed in your face, a window has to open for air right?" Well I hope she's right. Sometimes we think that everything is going great and then a second later we discover that what we thought was our reality isn't real at all. What we believed to be true turns out to be resoundingly and horribly wrong. Sometimes we just wrap our own feelings around us as a security blanket and fail to see the truth as a result of it. We deny the truth.. we are blinded by our own feelings. But when that security blanket is stripped away... in the blink of an eye you finally see the light. Sometimes it comes as a shock. Things that you thought had changed or gotten better had actually just stayed the same and there is no way you can change them. You can't change the way other people feel. Sometimes we open ourselves up to other people, accepting a sense of vulnerability, and putting ourselves on the line. By doing this we take the risk of getting hurt and also take the chance of finding something wonderful... or maybe even both. However, sometimes you are the only one who risks it. The other stays somewhat detached while you are more emotionally involved than they are. Sometimes it can be one-sided and we ask ourselves the question "can we learn to accept that?" or even "should we?" I don't know what to do... some things were expected, but I don't know what to think about others. I don't know if I am making a mistake. Am I missing an opportunity.. or am I just wasting my time? I just need to think... I need to find a quiet place to be alone and just figure out everything. Sometimes we just have to forget the feelings we might have, forget our emotional attachments, and figure out what's best for us. Its a difficult thing to do, and I wish things were easier.. but they aren't. Ain't that the way?


Melissa said...

Aint that the way?
Absolutely."Nobody ever said life would be easy,they promised life would be worth. it."
I can understand what you mean. One moment,you think you have it all figured out, and within an instant, the hourglass sand timer is flipped over, and nothing is what it seems. It leaves us to make heads or tails of or new situation. What is life living in the dark? As much as it can hurt sometimes, life isn't life unless we see the light. There is always a window. Sometimes, it can be hard to find at first. Sometimes it isn't opened all the way. Lucky for us, the select few,and especially you are equipped with tools to help us break through the window: an open mind, a strong heart, determination, and a solid attitude. Finding out whats best for ourselves isn't always easy,but ultimately, it has to be done. Dont worry jess, you'll find your window. I know it.
Good luck. (And if you ever need someone with a bottle of windex, Im always here. :-P)