Saturday, June 7, 2008

You, Shook me All Night Long...

I wrote this blog on Friday so here it goes:

Right now I'm sitting in the chorus practice room of the music wing. It's quiet here and i found a stool to lean on and a stand to rest my notebook on. I've pretty much been down in the music wing all day, with the singular exception of Argueta's class. It's completely pointless to be here considering we're doing nothing in all my classes and half the people aren't even here. Matt and I practiced some pops concert stuff before so that was cool.. sounded good too ;). At least I'm not being forced to do anything strenuous today because yesterday was a long day and I'm incredibly tired.
Yesterday ,morning I woke up at 4 am to do some homework I had forgotten about. The school day on Thursday went by pretty smoothly and before I knew it, the end of ninth period had arrived (after playing Cranium with Schiavoni's class =P). Right after school I had my hair appointment for senior prom. The wait at the salon was ridiculous and they started on my hair 40 minutes after the appointed time. I went with a simple, but pretty hairstyle, and got it blown out straight/wavy from it natural curliness. It still feels so smooth and soft; makes me want to run my fingers through it (well, I am actually).
At 5:30 Kevin came over to pick me up and our families had fun taking pictures of us on my front lawn. I also stabbed myself with the boutonniere pin (clumsy me). Then we headed over to a friends house for more pictures with the limo group. Everyone looked great; the guys in their tuxes, the girls in their colorful gowns. I absolutely looovved my dress: a shimmery ivory with gold and iridescent beading... just a dress I felt so great wearing, the way it moved... everything. Soon we got into the limo and headed to prom. The limo ride was awesome. We listened to Dio, Judas Priest,and Manowar on the way there. The music was blasting out of the speakers, most were singing , and everyone seemed really excited.
Eventually we got to the actual prom. I had an awesome time and was glad to be there. It was nice to see all the seniors dressed up and smiling. I got to spend time with Kev, dance with my best friends, and it was overall twenty times better than jr. prom. The music selection was a bit better and the food was good too. I even got a slow dance out of Kevin, which I enjoyed a lot =). Oh! and did I mention... Alex and I matched! We had fun randomly sneaking up on Mr. Lever and standing on each side of him with our arms crossed... like two body-guards in white cinderella dresses =P. Another highlight was when the group "party-boyed" Mr Ferrell (sp?).. and to the shock of others, he participated!
This might sound kind of cheesy , but for me, the most memorable moment of the night was in the limo ride home. It was dark and they decided to put the strobe lights on with music. We listened to ACDC over the speakers and "You shook me all night long" and "Highway to hell" are still in my head this very minute. There was a lot going on. Some of us were rocking along to the beat, some were head-banging, and most were singing along. Everyone seemed so happy. Everyone was smiling. I was a bit tired, but being in the limo was nothing short of exhilarating. It was like the strobe-lights created little photos; freeze frames caught in time. And that is the most memorable thing for me. When I look back on senior prom 2008 I will always remember those snapshots frozen in time. Seeing everybody laughing and smiling; dressed up and looking amazing. Watching the guys head-banging and singing along, getting lost in the music. I'll remember thinking to myself that it all didn't feel quite real, like it was all part of a dream and I would wake up at any given moment. I'll remember smiling quietly to myself as "She's Some Kind of Wonderful" played over the speakers and gazing across the limo under the flashing lights.