Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Time Warp

Hey there! There are so many things I have to write about here that I can't think of where to start. But here, I'll make a deal... if you are reading this I promise there will be a few entries coming soon. School is finally over and graduation is coming this weekend. I'll admit it: it feels a little strange that we're leaving (although I really can't wait to go to college baby! woohoo!). In a way I feel kind of weightless. Like I'm just floating along and this is going to be a fun, carefree summer with no worries. I hope that I'm right.

Right now I'm sitting here typing with my electric teal nail-polished fingers (yay) and I'm thinking about how strange time is. Not really the concept of what time is perse... but how it can seem to fly by and also pass on so slowly. The last week of school really just flew by... and before we knew what hit us, it was over. After all the preparations for prom (which was awesome by the way) and all the waiting, the night seemed to be over way too fast. Sometimes when you go on a date with someone and you're having a great time you just don't want it to end =]. Maybe this summer will fly by... but I intend on enjoying every second of it.

And then there are the times when everything seems to be happening so slow you could swear we were all put in slow-motion. Being a track runner you start to understand how long a minute is. An epic race can happen in 60 seconds with various steps, movements, cheering, thoughts, and emotions. And you start to realize how much can happen in a second or two. Or then there is that not-so-pleasant instance when you're at your job and time seems to be going so much slower than it actually is. I'll give you an example of work the other day at friendly's:
-I was standing there scooping ice cream and I had been there about an hour when I start playing a little game with myself. I thought "okay... when I think its been another hour I'll look at the clock again." *scoop, scoop, scoop, scoop* *whipped topping and a cherry* *scoop, scoop scoop* ... "okay its been about an hour, lets look at the clock.... 17 MINUTES?!?!?!" okay I'll look again when it gets dark outside" ... *when it's dark out* "three more hours!"

So time can go slow or fast but I suppose how you perceive it is the most important thing. Because really.. time is all we have here.

oh! and I sprained my wrist. How? ..... scooping ice cream

... yeah...laugh it up


Alex Zurhorst said...

LMAO "17 MINUTES!?!?!!"
I laughed just as hard reading that story a second time from hearing it. =P