Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One Little Moment

Isn't it strange how one little moment can really make your day so much better? You can be having the most awful, stressful, horrible day and a chance event that takes just a couple of seconds can bring you such indescribable bliss that your entire day seems that much better.

I had one of those moments about fifteen minutes ago and it was what inspired this blog. I had been having an awful day. I had Biology lecture at nine o'clock this morning, followed by Chemistry. I've been having a really difficult time with Chemistry lately, so much that I was contemplating dropping out of the course mid-semester. I seriously considering it this morning when a friend of mine told me that in order to keep my scholarship there is a certain credit minimum that I wouldn't have if I dropped the class. The reason I want to drop chemistry in the first place is that it is lowering my GPA and I don't want to lose my scholarship.

After Chemistry I had an hour of Bio recitation. When the hour was up I decided that I just needed a few minutes to relax. So I walked across the academic side of campus until I came across this little courtyard with a field in the center of four lecture Halls. There were some people laying down in the middle of the field and I walked over to a secluded little spot beneath a tree. For those of you that go to Hofstra, it was the tree with the statue of the man reading beneath it. I sat on the side of the tree opposite of the statue and started working on a project.

However I got to thinking about things. I started to think about how as I was writing I must look like the mirror image of that famous statue and I also wondered how many students before me had sat under that very tree, probably thinking the same thing I was. I started wondering what they had been doing, what they were thinking, and what their lives could have been like. And yet, although their lives could have had no similarities to mine... I felt almost as though I was a part of something.

It was beautiful out. Sunny, warm, quiet and peaceful, with just a slight breeze that makes your hair tremble just a bit. Then the tiniest thing happened. As I was writing in my book, a lady bug landed on the sleeve of my shirt. It was so little and curious as it walked on my arm and eventually up to my hand. I just sat there and watched it. Ladybugs are said to be good luck, and maybe it was bringing me a little bit of luck during a pretty lousy day. Maybe it was the universe's way of saying "its okay, cheer up and smile a little." Then after a minute of too the lady bug spread its little wings and flew away into the breeze and went on with it's day.

Little moments like that make you appreciate how beautiful life can really be once you stop worrying about everything you need to get done or about how screwed you are for your next chemistry test. Little moments like that help you escape and to give you a sort of peace that you never imagined could happen from something so simple. I guess I was just very touched and inspired by my "little moment" today and just wanted to tell you this: If you are stressed and tired and having a miserable day that seems like it will never end, just set aside five or ten minutes for yourself. Breathe, relax, and just enjoy the moment and the peace of letting go for a second. You might have a special "little moment" too.