Monday, November 9, 2009

Pop Culture (props to TB for inspiring me)

Pop culture is responsible for how disillusioned our society is. It is responsible for our warped way of looking at life and the world. And we are at fault for letting ourselves become so deluded by the notions pop-culture presents to us.

Pop culture is, at times, sickeningly optimistic and altogether unrealistic. Why? Because that's what the people want to see. They want adventure, perfection in looks, romance, and happy endings. Nobody wants to see anything as monotonous as "real life." Nobody wants to see average Joe Schmoe as the actor in the movie they are seeing.. they would prefer to see Gerard Butler or Megan Fox (if you are a guy reading this) or someone of equally dashing good looks. Heck, I'm guilty of it too.

But nobody wants to feel depressed by a sad ending, so even the sad endings have an "inspirational" theme. Pop culture, especially romantic comedy films, has turned into Disney for adults. Where the princess falls in love with the prince and they live happily ever after. And worst of all, pop culture has made us believe the possibility of this situation in our own lives. We are just foolish and hopeful enough to gobble this stuff up as fast as we can, like kids anxiously eating their Halloween candy. Its pleasurable at first, but eventually too much makes you feel sick to your stomach.

That's why our society is delusional. I don't meant to sound bitter or cynical, but it's true. From watching these films we obtain such high expectations and standards when it comes to the opposite sex. Usually the main characters of these movies have had some form of bad luck with romance in the past, and when they finally come across the person they will fall in love with, they "just know" that he or she is "the one."

So in turn we adopt this philosophy in our own lives. Just because a relationship seems so much better than other ones we have experienced we assume that this other person must be "the one." Therefore this famous "one" becomes a sort of mythical being. People constantly search for "the one" thinking about what they must be like, compiling checklists of the most sterling qualities they can think up, and in the end its like reading a resume when you date someone instead of seeing what the other person is actually like.

Furthermore, when it doesn't work out we are heartbroken. And the funny thing is... as heart-broken as we are, there is still that delusional hope that we will find that mystical "one," or some of us even continue to believe that the person who broke our hearts is still the "one" we are destined to be with. What ever happened to dating? To seeing what is out there before you make the leap into a relationship? How can people "just know" after a month or so of dating that this other person is the person that they want to spend the rest of their life with? Everything is centered around "fate" and "destiny" and perfect timing. Why?!

Why can't people take relationships for what they are? They are not the perfect, ideal, and altogether magical picture that pop culture paints and hands to us on a silver platter. Everything will not just fall into place. They have to be worked at, and sometimes even working on them wont fix it. Sometimes relationships work out, and sometimes they don't. Why must full grown adults be deluded by the possibility of a fairy-tale?


Anonymous said...

nothing is ever perfect, nothing is ever ideal, and no one ever said relationships were easy