Sunday, December 9, 2007

First Entry

>Hi there! Well this is my first entry on blog spot. I figured a change was in order since I barely go on xanga anymore and blogspot is pretty cool. My old site is .. if your interested in around 3 years of entries lol. oh well. It feels good to be writing again and hopefully I keep up with this. I will try.
> I had the greatest day today, hanging out with three of my awesome friends and having tons of fun. We went iceskating. My ankles are kind of sore but it's worth it. I can't believe school is tomorrow, which really sucks. I have hw to do that I haven't even started yet and its almost 10 o'clock. Like the compare/contrast essay for Sorrentino's class that I have no idea what to write about for. The class is incredibly boring and if you ask anyone in it, its hard not to fall asleep.
>Something has been bothering me lately, and what better way to get it out of my system then by writing about it. Although I don't think this will be out of my system for awhile. Never hurts to try though I suppose. This is what's been bothering me;
*Jealousy. With a big star next to it. Yes, jealousy, I am familiar with the term, but the feeling is soo much worse. Anyone who has experienced it knows that. Jealousy is one of the most irrational, uncontrollable, and sickening emotions a person can feel. For reason's unknown to us we can feel envy for even people we strongly dislike and would never want to idolize. This emotion is one that takes you over, possessing your mind so that you constantly think about it. It feels as if a scaly green monster has inhabited your body and it slithering beneath your skin, hissing quietly and poisoning your perception. When you see them with someone you care about your heart just sinks. No, Correction: Your heart takes a plummeting dive in your chest. You feel sick, nauseated; like you just swallowed a brick and it's sitting there in a lump at the bottom of your stomach; weighing you down and making you want to throw up. At the same time the scaly green quasi-reptilian monster slithers venomously beneath the surface of your skin (figuratively of course). That's my view on jealousy, and it really has been affecting me a lot lately; I've never felt this so much until now. In fact, I've never been jealous in this way before. Maybe I feel this way because of the insincerity of everything and how I know it's all fake. I hate it and it makes me sick. Or maybe its because of the actions of certain people that makes me disgusted. Normally, I don't feel things like this. Normally, I don't get jealous or feel this irrational. I'm actually pretty logical most of the time. There are a lot of reasons why I feel like this. I can't stand it when people try to hurt the ones I care about.I just want this disater to end and for things to be right again.
>Okay well that was deeper than i wanted to go on my first entry but oh well. Until next time...