Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Day

Hello there! I felt like writing a short little blog today about what's been going on lately. As usual life has been pretty busy here. Yesterday and today have been exceptionally busy. Yesterday we had our useless Friday at school (because we had Thursday off) where we didn't do much... except for me most likely failing a Calc test. Oh well. Then I went to the West Hampton Invitational for XC and got my third T-shirt from there. Getting lots of tshirts makes me happy =]. I actually felt pretty good during the race and during the middle of it for about 5 minutes or so I just completely zoned out thinking about other things and ran really fast while doing it. I wish I could do that ALL the time. After the race we all rushed back to the school for the football game against West Hampton. I multi-tasked with eating and changing into my marching band uniform for my first ever field show. The field show went better than I thought it would, although I can't really say that much for the outcome of the game itself. I ended up having a good time though and a lot of last years alumni showed up to the game. It was nice to see everyone... I really missed them.

Then this morning I got up early for our joint boy-girl practice with the guys coach. It wasn't so bad and afterwards I went to Good Shepherd for a while to watch a few hockey games. It was weird to be sitting there on the sidelines and not playing. I guess after ten years you get into a routine. I'm glad that I can still be involved with reffing there though and it was nice to see all the familiar faces. It's amazing how many people have been affiliated with the league. Whenever we're in Holbrook we see someone we know through hockey. It's great to know how many lives the league has touched.

After the games ended we went out to dinner with Mike and Zarra... yay seafood! Then we went to a few stores and came home to be greeted by Marius and Marcus at our front door. (Those are the two black cats that have adopted us). They're really sweet and I now refer to them as my "M&M's." ... Well I'm done writing for now.. until next time =]