Sunday, October 12, 2008


Well I'm supposed to be cleaning my bathroom right now but I just remembered that I forgot to write about something that happened yesterday. I'll get to that soon... but first I'm going to start with the titled of this blog.

Reincarnation: Reincarnation is the belief that when one dies, one's body decomposes, but something of oneself is reborn in another body. It is the belief that one has lived before and will live again in another body after death. As a Catholic I'm really not supposed to believe in reincarnation. I'm supposed to believe that our souls go to heaven or hell.. and so on. But just because I'm born into catholicism doesn't mean I have to be ignorant. Anything is possible and no one really knows what is true and what isn't. Our souls could go to heaven. Our souls could go to hell. Our souls could be reborn in a form of another being. We could just die and our souls could die with our bodies and that could be the end of it. Every once in a while I think about the death concept and wonder when we die... if everything just ends. I wonder if there really is an afterlife or if our time existing just simply ceases. That thought really bothers me. I mean, I know everyone is going to die someday... it's just the way things work... but thinking about it disturbs me. It's hard to think that after 80 or so years it's just over. I wonder what goes through the minds of those who are about to pass away and if they are scared or not. And THAT my friends is why it isn't good for Jess to get incredibly bored. But then there is the thought of reincarnation and if it's possible. That our souls cannot be destroyed and that they live in another being once our bodies are gone. And I wonder whether we'd be able to remember a past life or not... but I doubt that it's possible. I have to admit that I wish reincarnation is valid though... and that brings to to the whole event that made me start writing this blog.

Last night after we went out to dinner I remembered that I had to buy some bird seed for the parakeet. My family and I stopped in Petco to get some and while my mom headed toward the bird supplies, I went to see the cats that they had up for adoption. What I saw there was disturbing... in a sentimental way. There were four cages there and the first one I saw was the one on top where a little black and white kitten that looked like Maggie was playing. Then I happened to glance at one of the bottom cages and saw this big orange and white cat that looked almost identical to Cosmo. For those of you who dont know this, Cosmo was my cat who died this past summer from a pitbull attack. This cat looked just like him... from markings, to the eyes, to the big bushy tail. The only difference was that this cat was a bit bigger. Seeing that was weird for me and I really thought my dad was going to end up taking him home. But thats not all! In the cage next to that one there was a half-Russian Blue cat with green eyes who looked just like our other deceased cat, Huey. And... in the fourth cage there was a girl calica that looked just like another deceased cat named Dee. Needless to say I was a little freaked out and thought I was starting to hallucinate a bit. We left the store in disbelief and then we see a Brittany Spaniel puppy that looked just like our old dog Sherlock... It must sound like I'm making this up but I'm really not.

So I don't know why or how that whole experience happened. Maybe it was just "see-your-pets-reincarnated" night at Petco. But it was really weird and I'm still a little puzzled. Was that a sign for something? Is some mystical force trying to tell my family and I something? I guess I'll never know...