Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Take Me or Leave Me

I think a big part of senior year is just being yourself... regardless of how other people act and what they think. To be yourself, with all your charms and quirks and not give a damn what other people say. I'm a little ticked off right now so I'm just going to vent for awhile.

I'm generally a happy person. I like to smile and make other people smile.
I'm an animal person. I want to be a vet. I talk to my pets as if they are human. They have feelings too after all.
I can be very patient with people, but I have a very low tolerance for extreme stupidity or obnoxiousness.
I also can't stand people giving me an attitude. If you give me an attitude I will call you out on it... or just leave.
I chew my ice after I finish my drink. And I like it that way.
I drink abnormal amounts of orange juice, but I don't get sick often.
Bad food is almost unbearable and makes me feel emotionally cold.
I talk with my hands... my brain can't function without it.
Usually I tell the truth, but I can tell if you're lying to me.
I absolutely HATE it when people touch my face... whether it's a playful poke, or an eyelash fell out. Just tell me and I'll fix it... beware of getting your hand smacked away.
I'm independent. I don't need constant companionship... in fact that bothers me, a lot... neediness that is.
I can walk to class by myself. I can go to the bathroom alone. Sometimes being alone is peaceful.
The first thing I notice about people is their eyes.
I dislike being late. And I doubly dislike when people show up late for plans with me.
I value sleep over homework. I sleep first and then wake up at 4 in the morning to do hw.
I love to run. I run all year. I intend to continue with the process.
I don't like to be rushed. If you rush me I will go slower than I already am.
I can sing, and will sing at the appropriate times. I don't like it when people boast.
I'm not really into partying and I'm not a loud person. I can be loud... but most of the time I'm not.
I hate having petty arguments. I think they're exhausting and pointless.
I like to look nice... but if it's not comfortable I won't wear it.
If I'm really quiet I'm either tired, thinking of something, or annoyed.
If I'm mad at you I won't blow up in your face... I'll probably just ignore the fact that you exist.
Family is very high on my list of priorities.
I admire people who show effort and take their work in stride without complaint.
Breakfast food for dinner is amazing. Breakfast food for breakfast is nauseating.
I'm very calm and mostly relaxed. I do have a temper ... though it rarely surfaces.
I sketch in class. My sketches are detailed and I always save them at the end of the year.
I follow personality astrology and try to relate it to the people I know as frequently as possible.
I don't like to play games as far as my social life is concerned.
If you need something, ask. If you like me, then say so. If you want to talk, call me.
I will not chase after you, but I am here if you need me.

"Take me for what I am
Who I was meant to be
And if you give a damn
Take me baby
Or leave me..."


Melissa said...

"This is what you get.
This is who I am.
Take me now or leave me
Any way you can.
Sometimes I trip and fall
But I know where I stand.
And if you're thinking about changing my direction,
Don't mess with imperfection."
-Saving jane
