Saturday, February 23, 2008

I need to do this more often...

Hi again. Okay so I officially need to write here more often, I mean, If I'm going to have this blog I might as well be committed to it. Just a warning, this is going to be hard though, between this, school, life, and a separate journal.The last time I wrote here, it was December, and so many things have changed since then. Most of those things for the better. It's amazing how many things can happen in a month or two months time. I can look back at my first posts here and say "wow, look how things turned out" and how certain feelings.. evolved, I suppose. I can't really give an adequate update of my life since then, things have been so busy. *sigh* the busy life of a junior. Winter track is over and spring track starts on the third. We've had this entire week off for February break which has been nice and relaxing, with the exception of today, which involved doing massive ammounts of homework. There are so many thing I'd like to write about here yet I won't bombard you with it all in one entry.. I'm going to try and space it out for you over the span of a few entries. I have a few aspirations for this blog. 1) I'm going to choose a meaningful topic in each entry and reflect on it. 2) I'm going to put a quote in each entry. 3) I'm really going to try and write here at least once a week.

So as I start off this entry I'm sitting in my room with some music playing in the background and my cat Maggie sleeping in my lap. I've been in a contemplative mood for a few hours now and there is so much going through my mind. I guess I'll just pick one topic right now.. and thats topic is... *drumroll*

The other day when my family and I were out to lunch my Dad mentioned college visits and asked where I'd like to visit. Baffled and litte caught off-guard I wasn't really sure. To tell you the truth, I didnt have an answer. My most common overused phrase on this topic is "I don't know." I've looked at a few colleges, but when it comes to the reality of it all, I've barely scraped the surface. I'm not really sure about any of this yet, I mean sure, of course I want to go, but there are just SO MANY colleges. Where do I even begin to look? My father's answer to that question is *bum bum bumm*: locally. Sure thats all fine and dandy, but the truth is.. I dont want to go locally, and I would quite honestly rather go to a college in guam than go to suffolk. I'm almost certain that I want to go away to college, even though a certain parental figure might not be so fond of that idea. I'll keep an open mind and look at all my options, but this isn't about him, or anyone else for that matter; this is about me and my future. Going away to college isnt an experience that I want to miss out on, and in a way I want to get off the island, see other places. All of it is so much to think about and its just around the corner, coming fast. Before we know it we're going to be taking AP tests, finals, and regents. Then comes the summer filled with college visits.. and we all know how summer flies by way too fast as it is. It's difficult when you know you have to sit down and pick your future, decide on a college, and choose (or at least get an idea of) what you're going to do with the rest of your life. I guess this is an insight to whats going on inside the head of your typical high school junior (or senior even). But I just want to make the decisions that are best for me. I want to ammount to something. I want to be able to wake up in the morning ten years from now knowing that I have a career I love, something that I've worked for, and something that gives me a purpose. I want to be able to live a life I enjoy, and have a job that makes me feel meaningful and happy to get up everyday. Its a bit frightening to think that the choices we make now can affect us years from now. I guess I just want to make the right choices, do the right thing, and not make a mistake. I want to choose a college I love, enjoy the time given to me; the time thats supposed to be one of the best in your life.

Quote of the day:
"I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then — whoosh, and I'm gone... and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me — ever." -Jim Morrison