Friday, July 25, 2008

Cat's Leave Pawprints on Your Heart

"Over this past weekend two vicious pit-bull dogs, licensed and taged by Brookhaven Town, were roaming the neighborhood unleashed. On Saturday, they attacked and killed a Manor Park residents pet cat. ' Cosmo' was on his own property and was viciously attacked by the two roaming dogs. The Suffolk County Police and Brookhaven Code Enforcement arrived quickly to take the dogs into custody and secured them at the Town Shelter. Sadly, for the D'Amico family their actions came too late to prevent tradegy.

This episode has brought to light an apparent loophole in the Town Animal Control Laws that we feel needs immediate attention. Because the Pit Bulls were legally licensed, the town could not hold them for merely 'killing' a beloved pet. Instead the owners of "Cosmo" must now file a legal action against the owners of the Pit Bulls. On Tuesday, the Town Shelter released the two Pit Bulls to their legal owners, and they are now back in Manor Park!


The D'amico family was assisted by Shelter staff, but has been severely traumized by this horror. 'Cosmo' was torn to pieces by these animals, yet the law requires the D'Amico family to now file a District court 121 action against the owners of the dogs. Although, the Town has a 'one bite' rule for dogs that bite humans, no such rule exists for the licensed, unleashed, roaming aminals that attack other animals.

This is the second roaming Pit Bull problem we have experienced in Manor Park in just the last few weeks. We intend to ask the town to modify its rules to keep animals charged with fatally attacking other animals or pets in shelter custody until the conclusion of a 121 action. We feel that present rules that actually permit these animals to be returned to our community, puts our community at serious risk of yet another incident. We think the more prudent course is to hold the animals and let the owners prove the animal poses no further risk to the area. Let us know what you think, and meanwhile keep your pets safe and sound."
--> Manor Park Civic Association


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Oh man. I can't believe it. I definitely WILL let them know what I think about this bogus loophole.I'm going to write a letter what papper/source/ is this from?

Jessie D'Amico said...

its on the manor park civic association's website