Thursday, July 31, 2008

Are You With me Dr. Wu? *shrugs*

Well today has been interesting. I randomly woke up at 6 in the morning with horrible cramps and could fall back asleep for awhile... so I finished the book I had started reading yesterday. It was about this band geek or "BeeGee" who plays the flute and turns into a Siren (yes, the mythical kind) on her sixteenth birthday. The book was one of a genre called the Simon Pulse Romantic comedies. They are light, fun summer reads that always make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you finish them. They are kind of like... reading a chick flick versus watching one... except way better. My favorite one is about this girl drummer... but anywho. The book was good and it delayed my inevitable fate of having to read "A Confederacy of Dunces."

Besides dosing myself up with advil every few hours (the cost for being a girl *sigh*) I also clicked around on facebook for awhile, cleaned, and wrote a bit. When I was writing I realized how nice my cursive has gotten. My cursive really looked terrible when I started using it again... but now after a whole lot of practice it has been fine-tuned to this pretty, curly, elegant style. While I was on facebook before someone pointed out some new pictures.. and they were a bit disturbing. I just don't understand how people can just simply ignore a problem, averting their eyes and pretending that everything is fine. The problem is blatantly obvious... its visible, yet everyone keeps their mouth shut while things keep getting worse and worse. It makes me angry and it makes me want to take a step out of my "proper" place and say what everyone else should have said months ago. But then again... what do I know? That's how the people in question would see the situation.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do, career-wise, with my life. With looking at colleges I've started to narrow down what I want my major to be. First I went from radio broadcasting, to journalism, and then then those faded. I started thinking that I've always been really interested in psychology for a while and that there are a lot of careers in that field. And then I remembered how I wanted to be a lawyer for a few years. I wanted to be a District Attorney and put the criminals away. And then suddenly it hit me... the perfect career that interests me. A career in Criminal Psychology. It's the best of both worlds. Maybe I'll major in Psych and minor in criminal Justice... or double minor with c.j. and music. Have you seen law and order SVU? You know who B.D. Wong plays? Well that's what I want to do. Although obviously not exactly like tv... that would just be silly because we all know nothing is truly like it is on television.

Well that about concludes my blog for today. I guess I'll end it with this nice little random quote:
>>"Knowledge is a great gift, and the thirst to seek it even greater. Use what you know and your enemy will never defeat you. Head and heart. You are not made to give greater weight to one than the other. Your sword will flame, I promise you, and your crown will shine. But what you hold inside your head and your heart is true power." -Norah Roberts


Melissa said...

"Well today has been interesting. I randomly woke up at 6 in the morning with horrible cramps..."
"..Besides dosing myself with advil every few hours..."

These could have been lines in MY blog about yesterday. I felt your pain. ;P

Jessie D'Amico said...

okay ... this is strange... first we both want to do the same things with our lives possibly... and then we have "that" happen to us on the same day? we're taking the parallel lives thing to a new extreme