Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday...

I've wanted to sit down pretty much all last week and now this week to write a blog but everything had been SOOO busy. It's like my life goes from a lulling rhythm of quiet and relaxed routine to a deafening roar of running around with tons of things to do. Luckily though it wasn't a list of unejoyable things on my agenda. I worked at Alex's grandma's house helping paint, cleaning out the gutters, and cleaning out the basement. I finally made some money and in addition I had a lot of fun in the process. I keep laughing when I think of the ancient radio that we got to work and hearing it play ACDC... but I think it was a bit too much for the radio because we heard this "pop" sound and then it started smoking. Well.. either ACDC .. or the outlet was too strong. Also this week band camp rehearsals started and I've been seeing a lot of new faces in our ensemble... which serves as a constant reminder of how different this upcoming year is going to be.

Not all of my week was filled with chores like cleaning out the gutters or vacuuming though. I ended up going to a block party for a little while, unexpectedly, and then yesterday I went to the city. Zarra took me to go see the show RENT for my birthday and then we went out to dinner. The show was fantastic and I enjoyed it a lot. You know it's good when it makes you tear up a bit... why yes, I am a sap =P. I always enjoy going to the city. NYC is just so amazing. And just a little random tidbit: the song "Everyone's a little bit Racist" from the show Avenue Q is pretty funny. We listened to it on the radio on the way home... and the song itself is a little racist.. but some of it is also true.

Then TODAY I visited the Rose Hill Campus of Fordham University in the Bronx. It's in the "nice" part of the Bronx, near the Bronx Zoo and directly across the street for the Botanical Gardens. First we went to the information session and then afterwards we went on a tour of the campus. During the information session an admissions officer told us about the school.. and I swear when the "sticker price" was announced there was an audible gasp of shock reverberating through the room. Colleges are ridiculously expenssive these days. I can honestly say that Fordham wasn't exactly what I was expecting... but that it was also nice in that respect. I was expecting something a little more modern... but the lush green campus adorned with beautiful Gothic architecture and cobblestone paths was a pleasant surprise. It's hard to believe that a campus like that with all the trees, park-like atmosphere, and it's quietness can be right next door to the bustling city. And the city being close by is a definite asset to the college. The campus seems like an escape from the loud city... but with the option to go whenever you want if you choose to do so. The only thing I didn't like was the dorm room we saw. Our guide was saying that you can get into better dorms by applying for them and writing an essay.. but she brought us into one of the crappier dorms that don't require the essay and it was far from impressive. 1) It had no AC and it was hot as hell.. not to mention very stuffy. 2) The inside looked extremely dingy and even a bit dirty. and 3) The room itself was a triple and beyond tiny. The windows don't open and the entire dorm had a whole prison type feel to it. I wish we could have seen some of the other dorms. I also wish I could have taken a look at their athletic center.

Overall I thought the college was nice. Given, I wasn't in complete awe of it but I would consider going there. What I'm really looking foward to is going to Boston though and visiting Northeastern University (which I hope is as nice as it sounds on paper). I can't wait to visit more colleges so that I have something to compare to. Wow, I can't believe I wrote a normal blog with no deeper meaning =D .. I feel proud. Oh well, I guess I'll end this one by saying this: Operation First College Visit= Successful.


Alex Zurhorst said...

I laughed out loud when I read about the ancient radio... I was so proud when it started working... then we turned it up for smash mouth and...*pop!* haha

Brandon- "It smells like... burnt popcorn.." *looking around*
Alex- "brandon... it's smoking!!"
Brandon- "hmm... okay now it smells like burnt metal..." *just looks at smoking radio*
Alex- "brandon... it's smoking!! *sighs, and goes to unplug the radio*
Jess- *buisly at work in the basement* "Alex... you need this?"

<3 =P

Also, yay I'm glad to hear you're starting to get into college visits... we're going to look at a couple here (in North Carolina) sounds fun right?? =P