Friday, August 1, 2008


Okay look. I am normally a very calm person. My temperament is solid, steady, and tranquil. For those of you who know me... you know that I don't get truly mad at most of the everyday things that bother other people. I can endure a lot of annoyance and exhibit self control most of the time. The only time I truly lose my temper is when things build up and I just can't take it anymore. Then the volcano explodes and you can be prepared for a raging, stormy temper. However, like a volcano... eruptions are somewhat rare.

One thing I just can't stand is immaturity. I cannot deal with immaturity on any level. It makes me lose my patience and just become so angry. Whether it be that little kind whining and throwing a temper tantrum in the supermarket to his mother, or a parent making a close-minded argument to their teenage son/daughter, it irks me to no end. It makes me so angry!! I think what bothers me the most though is when people who know better act this way. A little kid I can understand... because facing the facts: they are not mature. But a 12-13 year old throwing a temper tantrum over not getting to watch tv when he wants? They know better and there is no good reason as to why they should act like a bratty 6 year old who didn't get the toy he wanted. In my opinion, when you get to a certain age... just GROW UP already because acting like that is complete bullshit. I mean, it's not like your tv privileges are being taken away for life... or that you are having a constant argument where you have to defend yourself and your opinions on college daily... just wait 20 more minutes until my show is over and then you can do whatever you want. Or watch the puppy for 10 minutes while I take a shower. It's not really too much to ask, is it? Because if it is I honestly think I've lost my mind then. But no... certain people have to whine and bitch and complain just because they didn't get their way in this very instant. Oh and get the rest of us grounded... which better not last more than today because if it does I might have my own little temper eruption. I'm kind of on a time limit here and although I'm over that fact generally... I'm a bit stressed out.

God I just HATE immaturity. So lets just put it this way... if you are going to act extremely childish and immature in my presence.. please don't even bother because at this rate I just can't handle it. Sorry for the angry rant.. I'm done now.


Frannie Pak said...

wow jess i can totally realate. and you know at the end of the day what really matters is that throughout every immature act that they might go through, when they see someone else be the bigger person being more mature, that is what makes then grow more and more mature.

AND thankyou for the comment you left, it really really helped =]
