Sunday, May 18, 2008

writing just to write

Hello there. Well I'm assuming you have noticed the new color scheme.. its unusually pink and I'm not really sure if I like it yet. You how pink isn't really me and all. You might see it green soon... or maybe different entirely. Thats probably the thing I like least about blogspot.. its layout variety is very limited unfortunately. Well lets see here.. what can I fill you in on in the life of Jess? AP tests are finally over thank goodness, so is the concert, and NYSSMA, oh and my shins feel great. So slowly but surely my life has been de-stressing a bit (I think I just made up a word).

So Friday night was junior prom and I had fun. I was just so tired and in dire need of a nap. Also I am a firm believer that they need to get a better variety of music at proms. You know I'm not a fan of rap... but rap isn't the only thing you can dance to. I've been to parties and weddings where they virtually play no rap and still everyone dances and has fun. So I'm not saying get rid of it ALL.. just a bit more variety puh-leez. Everyone looked great at prom and I have to thank Alex for helping shoo away some pesky, hot pink, chattering.. people from me. Thank you Alex =). I just think that some people can't take a hint. Or maybe its that they are too ignorant and self-centered to accept it. Its like even if you blatantly shove the truth down someones throat they refuse to swallow it. That didn't sound very nice.. sorry if I gave you a bad image. But please... I'm trying to be civil, just take the hint and stay away from me.

Yesterday I got my long awaited sleep, a whole day of it in fact (thank goodness). Just a side note: The song "Lullabye" by Billy Joel is amazing and has been in my head for a week now. I got up early and watched a hockey game.. and saw some old friends which was nice. I'm really going to miss playing with them.. and seeing them too. Seems as if everyone is off to college these days =(. So after I came home and slept. Also I hope the trip to Dorney Park was nice for anyone who went =).

Today I spent most of the day writing. It was beautiful out so I decided to take the laptop outside and type away. I wrote for a good two hours and got around five chapters done. I guess I'll announce that: I have decided to and currently am writing a novel. I'll probably be done with it by the end of summer so what I'm going to do is post it here on blogspot if you're interested in reading it then. It's kind of my way of venting and relaxing and trying to figure out things in my life right now by telling a story. I'm just having trouble making a title... I'm so bad at titles. Oh and I can't disclose what the novel is about until I'm done writing it. [My Dad keeps asking when I hijack his laptop hehe ].

This entry just keeps getting more random by the minute. So I think I'm going to stop. I think I've reached my writing quota for the day.