Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it Written in the Stars?

Honestly, I really despise being sick. Yesterday during the day I thought my throat was bothering me because of allergies but it turned out that allegies weren't the cause of it. After dinner last night everyone went out and I was feeling a bit under the weather so I took a nap. By the time my family got home I was feeling absolutely terrible. I didn't want to eat dad's birthday cake, it hurt to swallow, and I had a throbbing headache. I still felt sick in the morning so I stayed home from school today and got some rest. I feel a little better now... but not much. Now I've just slept a lot so I'm not tired.. but my throat still hurts. When I wasn't sleeping for an hour or two I was searching for random blogs (of people I dont know).. kind of like mine to read. I was unsuccessful in that endeavor though and couldn't find any =(. I also watched a little bit of the Mets game.. but I dozed off a bit. When I woke up Louie, Ted, and Mag were all asleep on the couch with me. I felt so loved <3

When Matty got home from school I was drinking tea and sitting on the couch, attempting to make my throat feel better. I ended up dozing off and by the time I was half asleep I heard him and my mom talking about his science project on the planet Pluto. I started thinking about how Roman gods and goddesses are named after planets and stuff and their greek equivalents. Like Jupiter=Zeus, Venus=Aphrodite, Neptune=Poseidon, Mars=Ares... and so on. I've always been fascinated my Roman/Greek mythology and have read a lot of the stories. It's interesting to think that before Christianity the ancient Romans and Greeks had a polytheistic religion. Then when Christianity came everything pretty much just got virtually wiped out. I guess I really had the whole mythology concept in my head when I fell asleep because I had a really strange dream. I was in this Greek-looking structure.. looking kind of like the Parthenon but different, with white pillars and all. I was wearing the gleaming silver pendant on a necklace around my neck. The pendant was the sign of the bull ( I am a Taurus). There was a bunch of people gathering in the building and they were all wearing different sign pendants. And then I noticed that there were these people that were illuminated with a golden light. They looked almost hazy. There were different Roman gods all around... and then I woke up.

Let me clarify right now that NO I was not on any medication before I fell asleep and had that dream. That was my mind being very random and possibly a little out of it because I'm sick. It was a cool dream though.. and it was interesting. I thought the whole zodiac pendant thing was interesting. I don't know if any of you believe in astrology but I started to follow it over the summer. I'm not talking about the "every day horoscope" or "let's predict the future" nonsense. I'm just talking about the sun signs and how people under the signs have certain personality characteristics. For instance, I am your typical Taurus girl through and through. My best friend is a Sagitarius, my boyfriend is a Gemini, I have Pisces and Leo cousins, and a friend I've known since I was six is a Virgo. They all fit the description and it is incredible. Even a person who I'm not very fond of fits the female Gemini description. My parents fit the Taurus and Aries. I'm not really sure why I started reading about all of the signs.. probably out of sheer boredom or curiousity. Either way I find it fascinating. I'm not going to shape my life around it or anything drastic like that, it's just something interesting to know and it lets me draw parallels to things that go on with the people in my life.

So going back to Pluto which I guess in a way was the inspiration for this entire blog (and it might not even be a planet? lol)... I get really annoyed by catty girlfriends of close friends. >>> That transition will make sense if you wait a moment, I promise. This "almost girlfriend" that my friend has, decided that she felt the need to check me out like I'm some kind of competition with her man. He's all yours sweety, unless he decides otherwise. No need to be a control freak or google me looking for a personality profile. He doesn't talk about you to me... and even if he did that would be friend confidential. I'm in a relationship and I am happy. So there. This all relates to Pluto because this girl is a Scorpio.. yeah I looked at her facebook birthday because I was curious (sue me). The Scorpio sun sign is ruled by none other than our favorite planet (or nonplanet) PLUTO. I also discovered that when it comes to relationships with men or female "competition" Scorpio women desire to dominate, like to have control, can be overbearing/domineering, and are unreasonably suspicious. Interesting right? Nothing like drawing parallels to keep your mind sharp =P. Time to go to sleep and hopefully not have any more weird dreams today...g'nite <3