Sunday, May 4, 2008

My litte Maggie

Good afternoon =P. Today has been so slow moving since I got home before. This morning I went to go see ironman in the movies with my family and I feel obligated to say... It was freaking AWESOME. I wasn't expecting it to be so good but it had a decent story line, great special effects, and yeah.. it was overall just a good movie. I'm really glad to finally have the day off from track. After three days in a row of track meets I'm kind of physically drained. As much as I hate to admit it; my shins need a rest. I really hate having injuries, they make me feel handicapped and extremely annoyed. St. Anthony's was pretty nice though, the school itself I mean, as far as weather goes... that sucked.

After the movies and lunch I came back home and have been here for awhile. I've been looking after Maggie. For those of you who don't know this already, Maggie is my almost-a-year-old black and white tuxedo cat. She's very affectionate, energetic, abnormally clumsy, and enjoys being mischevious. She's also "my little tag-along" who follows me wherever I go. Usually she's very lively, trilling when you pet her, and usually purring very loudly. Right now she's sick... and she has been since yesterday. She wasn't acting like herself and then she disappeared for awhile and we couldn't find her. I guess she was sleeping somewhere in the house because she doesn't go outside, but she didn't come when I called her which is unlike her. I found her before and she had a really high fever and was wheezing. Also she injured her foot somehow. I've been upstairs with her for awhile now. I gave her some medicine and her fever has went down a little. I want her to feel better and I want to help. One of the reasons I'd really like to become a vet someday. Sometimes I can't picture myself as anything else.

Her being sick is making me really nervous and I don't really want to leave the room. I know nothing drastic will happen... but I guess I'm just a little protective. She's just... she's more than a cat to me. She's part of the family, she's a friend.. Mag is almost like a child. Whenever I'm sick or upset she's always right there by my side to cheer me up (usually by purring obnoxiously in my face =P). I want to look after her and make sure she gets better. You know when you just seem to bond with someone? Whether it be another person, or a dog, or an animal? Well Maggie bonded with me.. I'm the one person in our house she kind of claimed for herself. I'm hers, she's mine; thats just how it works. She found us at a time where everyone was really frantic and freaked out. My older brother had gone on a trip and while he was on his trip he had an emergency and had to go to the hospital. There was a problem with his heart and he had gotten some kind of infection. It was scary because they didn't really know what caused it. My parents had to leave and go to him while my little brother and I stayed home. That's when Maggie came to us, and helped to make the situation a bit easier. She's been an angel ever since.. with her occasional fits of clumsiness. She's a sweetheart and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. I want her to get better... and soon.