Saturday, August 2, 2008

August Rush

Yay... time for a 2 o'clock in the morning blog session. About half an hour ago I was laying in bed, unable to sleep, and thinking about writing for a bit. It took me awhile to actually get motivated enough to go to the computer but that gave me some time to think. I was under the covers nice and warm, in contrast to my air-conditioned room, while Mag stared mesmerized at my lighting lamp like it was the coolest thing she's even seen. Have I mentioned that I completely adore that cat?

I listened to Josh Groban on my ipod for a while and I think I have a new favorite music artist. Holy crap he is... INCREDIBLE. His baritone voice is so strong and powerful, but also so gentle and controlled. His voice is so expressive and he has the most amazing vocal range. Listening to him can make you smile or even want to cry depending on the song. I can honestly say his is the most beautiful male voice I have heard in my entire life. I really enjoy listening to talented male vocalists because it's just more appealing and soothing to me. He has the voice of an angel. An angel of music? Well, now all he has to is sing phantom of the opera and I'd die and go to heaven.

Speaking of music... I saw the movie "August Rush" the other day. It was about an orphaned kid who tries to find his parents through music. Both of his parents are musically talented and the kid turns out to be a musical prodigy. The movie was really great and also heart-warming. The title intrigued me and when I was trying to sleep before I thought of how things are about to get so busy in my life. August is finally here and it has arrived in a whirlwind. Everything is just flying by so fast. Cross-country is starting, Kevin is leaving in a week, the wedding, marching band, summer work, and college visits. It always seemed like August was far away... like it was so far off in the distance and would never arrive. But August is here and sometimes, although we might want to, we can't stop time. Time has to run its course. Things are about to change and I guess we just have to stand up and face it. We have to face the August Rush.