Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Isn't It Ironic?

Right now I'm sitting at the kitchen table on the laptop. My mom is cooking Chicken Cacciatore on the stove about 4 feet away from me. The aroma has pretty much permeated throughout the whole house. When I breathe it in I can almost taste it. If you've never had this recipe before... its chicken cooked in a red sauce with onions, mushrooms, and a few peppers, all served over right. The smell is mouth-watering and indescribable. If heaven could taste like anything... this is what it would taste like.

So anyway, I should really stop gushing about my upcoming dinner lol. I'm hungry *stomach grumbles* This week/weekend has been very eventful. Mon-Fri I had bad camp every morning. During some points of it I felt annoyed... but as a whole I can honestly say: I had fun. Then on Sunday we went up to Boston to visit Northeastern university. I was expecting this beautiful campus in a great neighborhood and I thought that I'd really love it. Turns out this wasn't the case at all. I actually hated it and I wasn't crazy about Boston either. The college was in "the hood" of Boston (yes, i said 'the hood' =P) and the neighborhood was really shabby. i didn't feel safe there at all and i could never live there.

We ended up driving home the same day and I was really disappointed about the college. My dad suggested that we go visit Hofstra the next day so when I got home I scheduled a tour. I figured that it couldn't be much worse than the other one. Well, it definitely wasn't as bad as the other one... in fact, it wasn't bad at all... it was actually quite amazing. Hofstra offers so much academically, musically, and the campus is beautiful. I was extremely impressed and the more I saw, the more I fell in love with it. They say that you can tell if you belong there as soon at you step onto a campus. Now I know that its correct. Hofstra was perfect in every way.

Ironic, isn't it? How things turn out. I ended up hating the college I thought I'd love, and loving the college I thought I'd hate. I guess i should underestimate a good thing right around the corner. I feel a bit enlightened. My eyes are open to all the possibilities now. I finally know what I want from a college. I was starting to think that maybe what I was looking for in a college didn't exist. And I also feel a bit relieved that I finally found a college that I love.

Until next time <3